Can you believe it’s
June already? Seems like the weeks are flying by at warp speed!
I certainly don’t want to
rush things any more, but there’s an event next spring that I’m getting excited
about. The Ohio Genealogical Society will be holding its next conference in
Columbus (my city!) from April 9-11, 2015. The last time it was in Columbus, in
2011, over 700 people attended. I know I had a lot of fun.
Right now it’s still early
stages. The Call for Papers went out in April, and I received this reminder a few days ago:
Just a reminder to speakers: the July 1 deadline for Call For Papers
for the 2015 Ohio Genealogical Society's Conference is a little less than
two weeks away. If you have not yet submitted your proposals, we hope to hear
from you soon. The cornerstone of a great conference is a great programming,
and we can’t wait to see the terrific presentation ideas you have to offer for
the 2015 “Ohio: Your Genealogical Cornerstone” conference!
The OGS Conference will be held April 9-11, 2015, at the Sheraton Hotel
on Capitol Square in Columbus. The complete Call for Papers can be found
I’m eager to see what the
line-up of speakers and programs will be. OGS always attracts such great speakers. I hope they'll have a few presentations about how to use DNA results for genealogy. I’ll post more information about the
conference in the coming months, as things are announced. After all, at the rate we’re
going, next April will be here in a flash!