
August 27, 2012

Thinking of SLIG at Back-to-School Time

Every year around this time, I feel the tug of the new school year. Give me a fresh notebook and something to learn, and I’m hooked. Fortunately, in the field of genealogy, there’s no shortage of learning opportunities.

In January 2011, I attended the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy, affectionately known as “SLIG,” an annual institute hosted by the Utah Genealogical Association. I was fortunate to be in Paula Stuart-Warren’s class, American Research and Records: Focus on Localities. It was a great experience, and the perfect class to complement my first trip to the Family History Library. Not only did I benefit from Paula’s contagious enthusiasm and boundless knowledge of record types and research strategies, but I also received on-site help in learning to use the FHL’s amazing resources. And I met a lot of wonderful people to boot.

Since I had only recently started blogging, and tended to stay at the FHL until they kicked us out each night or I collapsed (usually both), I didn’t write much about my experiences at the time. There was just too much going on. I think my excitement shows, though, in my post Striking Gold in Salt Lake City. Even now, I marvel at the care Paula showed in mentoring her class of intermediate genealogists—most of whom had been researching for years—through some lesser-known resources and locality-based strategies.

Why do I bring this up now, at the end of summer, long after my week there? Because with back-to-school vibes in the air, it’s the perfect time to think about registering for SLIG 2013, which is slated for January 14-18. Paula will be offering Focus on Localities again this year (she alternates it every other year with Focus on Families). But that’s only the start of your options at SLIG. Eleven tracks, each featuring talented and dedicated instructors, are being offered, and any one of them would make a good choice.

For the scoop on SLIG 2013 courses, accommodations, registration, and other details, see my article Becoming a Brighter Genealogist in Salt Lake City in the current issue of The In-Depth Genealogist newsletter. (Oh sure, you could go straight to the UGA website, but I hope you’ll enjoy the article first!) In it, I also talk about the 2012 British Institute, which is coming up in October and is still accepting registrations. I haven’t had the chance to personally attend the British Institute yet, but with the high caliber of their instructors, you can’t go wrong.

So if you’re yearning to go back to school, too, you might consider spending a week in Salt Lake City. I know I’d love to go to SLIG again. Now where’s that Magic School Bus when I need it?



  1. I'll be there. I'm taking Josh Taylor's class. I hope you can find that Magic School Bus!

  2. I'm signed up for Warren Bittner's German track! Can't wait!


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